"One day, I’m a purchaser — I just want to buy my thing — the next day, I could be looking at things, worried about, ‘should I be spending this money, because I might lose my job’ — I’m a different person every five minutes. Behavioral data allows you to acknowledge that fact in your marketing.”  
– Reggie Wideman, Director of Strategy & Execution for Lytics 


Welcome to OnBrand! In this episode, join host Sarah Grace McCandless as she sits down with Reggie Wideman, director of strategy and execution for Lytics, for a fascinating conversation about how brands can leverage listening and data to revolutionize customer relationships. They also discuss why you can’t depend on demographic data alone to model customer behavior, the value of considering the changing needs of your customers over time, and many of the new, innovative ways brands like Netflix, Uber, and Peloton are already putting their data to work. Don’t miss it! 


Customer data can be a great tool to help you understand them better, but you should be sure to never judge a book by its cover. For example, it’s easy to put your customers in boxes — or buckets — based on what you think you might know from demographic data, but if you aren’t digging deep into behavioral patterns, you could be missing out on a lot. 


“From a behavioral perspective, I would say that there aren’t really buckets of consumers, more like buckets of opportunity,” Reggie says. “If we’re thinking about what we’re going to do with behavioral data, we’re using the signals from their behavior to define the real-time opportunity we should be exposing to them.”  


Formerly senior principal business architect for Salesforce, Reggie Wideman is an expert when it comes to crafting, planning, and studying the types of customer experiences that truly delight customers. In his current role, he manages a unique customer data platform (CDP) with a focus on crafting actionable strategies for next-level customer experiences (CX). 


Join us and learn more about all the unique ways companies can leverage data and listen to customers to get a full, 360-degree view in this episode of OnBrand!  

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