Dov Gordon shares what you need to know about mastermind groups: what they are; who should join one; how to create and manage one; how to find the right people for one; how doing all this will help you generate more clients.

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The post 9 Things You Need to Know About Mastermind Groups – Dov Gordon appeared first on On Track Tips - Get on Track, Stay on Track | one expert at a time.

The Mastermind Principle: There’s a lot to be gained when people come together. With focus and leadership, the members are unstoppable.

Dov Gordon, a guy with plenty of mastermind experience spoke with On Track Tips and shared his list of 9 Mastermind Tips You Need to Know.

The best mastermind groups offer structure – clear goals and responsibilities – and THAT makes all the difference.Click To Tweet

What is a mastermind group?

What’s the difference between joining a mastermind group and simply networking with others via social media? Dov says the best mastermind groups offer structure – clear goals and responsibilities – and THAT makes all the difference.

One caution, though: If you are seeking accountability, you may not be ready for a mastermind. Serious groups generally don’t focus on hand-holding, rather they exist to foster growth.

Should you join someone else’s mastermind or start your own?

The steps to getting involved with a mastermind are:

Think: what do you hope to gain from participation in a mastermind gathering?
Search for currently active groups that have the same desires and give them a try.
If you can’t find an appropriate group, start one.

9 pertinent points about starting a mastermind

Be clear about the objective: WHY are you starting this group? Is it accountability, networking, education?
Know who to invite: Each member must be open to the idea of sharing and helping.
Know what to control and what not to control: Definitely control membership, who joins, and who stays. Don’t try to control deals between members; don’t insert yourself there.
Know how to lead group conversations.
Always be moving up. Always grow.
Understand that you may have to let someone go. Member management is crucial.
Apply the 80/20 rule: Give more than you get. Allow others to give in their own way.
Remember, mastermind groups are a long-term strategy, not a quick fix.
Don’t focus only on business, but also on caring for one another personally.

Are mastermind groups worth the trouble?

“I can’t imagine where I would be without my group,” says Dov. “It means everything to me.”

The Mastermind Principle: There’s a lot to be gained when people come together. With focus and leadership, the members are unstoppable.Click To Tweet

The post 9 Things You Need to Know About Mastermind Groups – Dov Gordon appeared first on On Track Tips - Get on Track, Stay on Track | one expert at a time.