Mobile marketing is all about social, and all about local. But what about businesses with multiple locations? Or brands sold by resellers at locations that aren’t their own?  How should marketers approach this type of scenario?   And what mobile marketing trends should advertisers be paying attention to? And what about the user interface?  …

The post Mobile Marketing Strategy – Part Two appeared first on Eric Schwartzman.

Mobile marketing is all about social, and all about local. But what about businesses with multiple locations?

Or brands sold by resellers at locations that aren’t their own?  How should marketers approach this type of scenario?  

And what mobile marketing trends should advertisers be paying attention to? And what about the user interface?  

It’s one thing to lead a horse to water. It’s another thing to get them to actually drink.

We know, by now, that the user experience on a mobile device is very different than it is on the desktop.  

What’s the best way for mobile marketers to ensure a positive small screen experience, so that once customers find them, they stick around and convert.

Rich Devine of ZAAZ, a design, optimization and analytics agency specializing in mobile advertising, and one of the mobile marketing companies, discusses:

Mobile marketing campaigns for impulse purchases vs. considered purchases.Using Google Webmaster Tools to localizes sections and pages on your site.Designing websites for the mobile user.How to convert websites designed for stationary computers to work for mobile browsers.Mobile browsers vs, mobile apps. How to decide which one is right for you?User agent detection and mobile agent detection.WordPress themes like Themedy and Thesis to convert your website to mobile.Microformats and hCards for geosegmenting different pages on the same site.How to generate Geocode microconversions.

This is the second part of a two-part series on Mobile Marketing with Rich Devine. Here’s part one.

The post Mobile Marketing Strategy – Part Two appeared first on Eric Schwartzman.