In her podcast debut, the FitCoPro herself, miss Rachael Brooke, teaches us how to create cash flow from your passions and add an insane amount of value along the way. Rachael is a fitness instructor and entrepreneur, originally from Oregon.  Her journey to running her own business started when most people's did- during the pandemic.  Like many people in the fitness industry, she was forced to pivot, and create something for herself.  From that, the FitCoPro was born!  She teaches other fitness professionals how to build their own brands and sell their services.  She has served many, and has impacted thousands, and this episode is for anyone looking to build an empire and create massive amounts of cash flow from their passions.

[5:13] Building a business out of passion.
[7:01] From dancer to FitProCo.
[12:20] Your people are still your people
[15:32] Going virtual and how it allowed Rachael to get to know her clients better.
[19:26] Making more money virtually.
[25:09] You get location freedom, not time freedom.
[26:01] Intuitive movement and what that means.
[29:38] You may feel a loss of identity, but it is okay to show up as yourself.
[32:24] The redefining of success should be your own.
[33:36] Working with a money coach, figuring out what YOU want.
[37:31] What is FitProCo?
[43:23] Loneliness in entrepreneurship.
[47:50] You are going to have bad months - mindset can make or break you.
[50:47] Integration and intention.
[54:19] Working on the self.


Connect with Rachael!
On her Website!
on IG: @thefitproco

Connect with Danielle!
on IG @danielle_onthedaily
Podcast: @onthedailypod

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