I want to talk to you about this thing that has been happening a lot in the groups that I’m apart of in the online space. People are cheating on their marketing and cheating their business in the long run! I’ve seen a ton of people who are offering to sell people likes or leads, some who are offering to run a contest or grow their email list. Yes, some of these things work. I personally have done contests where I’ve been able to add a ton of quality leads to my list. However, there are a lot of service providers out there that are scamming people and cheating them out of their marketing.

When you buy followers or page likes, you do a contest that has nothing to do with your ideal client, or you do a summit that’s not in alignment with your brand, you’re setting yourself up for failure. You’re not going to have the true numbers that you need when you go to sell something or do a launch. It’s FAKE data. Even if you have 10,000 people, if they aren’t your ideal clients it’s not going to impact your business. A lot of times, the people who are running these businesses don’t have the data to back up their claims. Say you have 10,000 followers. You would want to see a conversion of 2-5%, but if these aren’t real followers, then you won’t see the conversions that you would expect. When you try these marketing schemes, you’re going to be scamming yourself. Your likes on social media will be drastically disproportionate, or your email opens will plummet and you’ll be less likely to be shown in the main inbox.

If you go to do a launch, you won’t be able to sell and the launch data will be completely skewed. It’s time to stop trying to cheat your marketing!

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