I had something important that I wanted to talk about on the podcast. Recently, I’ve been seeing another epidemic in the online space where other entrepreneurs are just… stuck. There is a whole breed of people who set goals for themselves or their business but they don’t work towards accomplishing them. They end up staying in this building mode where they obsess over moving forward, and they have a million different iterations of a website or a sales page, but they don’t ACTUALLY ever launch. There’s a complete failure to launch into what that next step of life is. I try to think of that in a business sense, where there is this complete failure to move forward or to take that next step. These are people who are never making any progress and part of that is fear, a need to have everything perfect, and passion. It just makes me think of the phrase, “It’s really hard to operate on ourselves,” especially when we have no data or information to base our projects off of.

This has been a lot of work that I’ve done with one on one clients so that they can continue to make progress in their business and launch initiatives. I share this because it makes me sad that people don’t move forward and my goal is to impact 100 entrepreneurs so that they can continue to grow and scale their companies. I never want anyone to be afraid of failure, success, afraid of what others may think or if they’re good enough because ultimately this will hold you back from being successful. So many of us have this tendency to want to make something perfect, but at the end of the day, that is holding us back from moving the business forward. You’re always going to get people who are not necessarily super nice about your products or who are jealous and will try to point out the imperfections, but putting out products that aren’t necessarily perfect is going to be the best way that you can continue to grow your business.

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