It’s day 4 of our marketing data series and today is all about LinkedIn. If you are looking to get in front of decision-makers you’re going to want to look into the data around LinkedIn. Two professionals are joining LinkedIn every second! There were more than 590 million users on LinkedIn at the end of 2018, and LinkedIn has been consistently growing that network. Nearly 154 million American workers have a LinkedIn profile and the United States has the largest amount of users on the platform. Nearly 50% of those Americans have a college degree and an average household earning of more than 75,000 dollars. LinkedIn is most popular for those who are between the ages of 25 and 49, so if your ideal client falls into this category, you want to be on LinkedIn! This is a platform for decision-makers and upper management, so if you want to target this audience LinkedIn is the place to do so.

There are also more than 3 million jobs in the United States that are posted on LinkedIn every month and over 2 million articles and videos are posted each day. LinkedIn is huge when it comes to business to business sales and marketing, with more of these companies expanding to use the platform for reaching other companies. In terms of content on LinkedIn, posts with photos are much more likely to be promoted by the platform and video posts get 5 times the engagement as posts that just include text. This means that it’s more important to create 3 high-value posts rather than 7 mediocre ones because LinkedIn is going to favor higher quality.

One last thing to consider is that 91% of executives rate LinkedIn as their first choice for content that is professionally relevant. If you’re someone who is working in the B2B space, LinkedIn is going to be the place for you to get leads and expand your business.

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