“Summers are always slow for business!”  

Are they though? I want to talk to you about this false belief and myth that is out there on the Internet that the summer has to be a slow time for your business. I don’t want you to buy into the belief that there are automatically months that are going to be slower for you. If you’re in the B2C world this may be true to an extent but most businesses don’t have to deal with that. We had our best month ever in July and it was kind of crazy to me because I was off work more than I ever had been before. Several things happened that led me to have to take time off and yet it was a busy month for the business.  

I recently set the intention with my business coach that I want to earn more and work less. I truly believe that you can do this, as long as you work smarter. We’re currently in a transitionary period in our business financially as we continue to grow. I’ve been told from when I first started my business that summers were going to be slow and I would lose business, yet this is the second time in a row that I’ve had a record-breaking month during the summer.    

People feed into these myths and lies because it’s what they’ve been told or what they’ve experienced with their business. These are all based on passed down beliefs that aren’t necessarily even true! It’s crazy how fast false beliefs and alternative facts can spread. The fact that summers are slow for your business is based more on your mindset than on anything factual, and chances are you’re blocking your growth because you’re assuming summers will be slow! I want you to start thinking about the things that you’re telling yourself. Are these beliefs that are passed down to you from somewhere else? It’s time to kick all those preconceived notions to the curb!

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