By flying above the clouds, Jacqueline Cochran also broke through the glass ceiling. During WWII, she brought women’s aviation to the forefront of the war effort. She taught women to be as good if not better at flying than the men — redefining aviation education at the time.

In aviation, understanding your product can make the difference between life and death. Though the stakes aren’t as high for a lot of us, customer education is a crucial part of CX. Ben Kovalis, Co-founder and CMO of Art AI has become a pro and fierce advocate for customer education.

Experience: Educating your customers

Inspiration: Jacqueline Cochran and the WASP

Modern Day Execution: Ben Kovalis, Co-founder and CMO, Art AI

Three Takeaways

Educate your customers and they’ll be your best advocates.When your product is ahead of its time, educating your customers is critical to your success.The more you educate your customers, the less fearful they’ll be.

Key Quotes

“When you have something that is unique, it gives you this opportunity to introduce something new to other people's lives.”“The product that we're offering is not just beautiful, it is intellectual.”“When you are in tune with the new developments in technology and AI, you have a strong understanding of how the future is going to look like. And then you're not afraid of it.”


Thanks to our friends 

This podcast is presented by Oracle CX. 

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