When it comes to thrilling CX, few can compete with what was once the ultimate viewing experience: the battle between gladiators in the Roman Colosseum. Between the towering walls, packed stadiums, exotic animals, and fearsome warriors, it wouldn’t be the worst way to spend a day (unless you happened to be in the show). 

With that level of entertainment still striking awe nearly 2,000 years later, we had to dive deep into what it takes to create a lasting CX impression. Luckily, Chris Hsu, Co-founder, and CEO of Zibo, knows what it takes to make your customers obsessed with your product. Let’s figure out how to make your CX the champion of your company (hopefully with a little less drama than the Romans). 

Experience: Building for the needs that your customers don’t even know they have

Inspiration: The Roman Colosseum 

Modern Day Execution: Chris Hsu, Co-founder, and CEO of Zibo

Three Takeaways

Allocate money for deep customer research.Figure out your customer’s Top 10 pain points, and start working towards resolving their concerns.When you focus on innovating your product, you can find solutions to problems your customers haven’t even noticed before.

Key Quotes

“Everything starts with deep customer insight.”“If we just did our customers' Top 10 needs, we would find ourselves with a platform where we've optimized for everything that everyone has asked for, but we haven't innovated and created opportunities they don't know exist.”“Trust is the number one most important thing”


Thanks to our friends

This podcast is presented by Oracle CX. 

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