In this episode, Dr. V sits down with Lucy Townsley, a Women’s Health consultant who has been doing this work for 24 years. Join them as they discuss the differences between traditional Western Medicine and Chinese medicine in regard to treating women during menopause. She shares her story on how her journey to becoming a health and wellness practitioner began when she was a champion lady jockey in Ireland and suffered an injury that led her to explore Chinese medicine for healing, which was further strengthened by caring for her sister who had non-Hodgkin’s lymphatic cancer.


Tune in as Lucy Townsley to learn more about how to live a happier and healthier life during menopause! If you want to know more about what’s next with Office Visits with Dr. V.


[00:00 - 04:08] Opening Segment

Dr. V introduces Lucy Townsley to the show
Lucy Townsley is a women’s health consultant
She shares that her journey to becoming a health and wellness practitioner began when she was treated with acupuncture for an injury she sustained while racing a horse 


[04:09 - 15:57] Unlocking Optimal Health And Wellness

Chinese medicine practitioners diagnose patients through pulse diagnosis and tongue examination
Western medicine practitioners rely on lab work to diagnose patients
Chinese and western medicine are complimentary to each other
Women transitioning to menopause should focus on lifestyle changes such as exercising and eating clean
Liver health is important for hormone balance and should be taken care of through a liver cleanse or detox
Eating a healthy diet with low carbohydrates and colorful foods helps with digestion


[15:58 - 27:46] Uncovering The Secrets To Balancing Hormones Naturally

Removing sugar from your diet can make a huge difference in symptoms of pre-menopause
Exercise and acupuncture can help with urinary incontinence
Getting sunlight in the morning is important for setting your circadian rhythm
Avoiding alcohol, drugs, and medication can help protect your organs


[27:47 - 37:09] Closing Segment

Lucy Townsley encourages listeners to practice gratitude can help to reduce cortisol levels and keep other organs functioning optimally
Dr. V invites us to visit and click on the coaching tab to schedule a free discovery interview


Tweetable Quotes


“One of the most important things that women can do to help balance hormones naturally is to almost take control of their liver again. The liver takes on a lot of stuff. We emotionally and physically take on a lot of stuff.” - Lucy Townsley


“Remember what you've achieved in your life and really be aware of what you're grateful for. So, there can be these really very simple things like your health, roof over your head, food on your table, meeting amazing people.” - Lucy Townsley

“The kidney energy is what gives you energy for the rest of your life. So, if you burnt it out in your twenties, and thirties, and forties, you know, doing too much and not listening to what your body's telling you.” - Lucy Townsley



Resources Mentioned:

Website: Lucy Townsley – Acupuncture Galway

Facebook: Lucy Townsley – Acupuncture Galway


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Facebook: Office Visits with Dr. V

Instagram: office_visits_with_dr_V.


Email: [email protected] 


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