Please watch this Video before listening to this episode! Trust us, this episode will make little sense until you do :)

Somehow, we forgot to welcome you to the podcast! Sorry about that :) Enjoy the music I guess?

Here's the website for the event!

While we weren't able to sit down with all of the speakers and organizers, we're extremely grateful for those who we were able to speak with. Thank you everyone! :)


Jessica Williamson - MC, Promotional Team Lead Organizer, and Youth Representative.

Although Jessica wasn't ready to share her story she still wished to be a champion for other people's stories of mental health. This is a great reminder that we can all give something even if we aren't ready to give everything . Focus on what you can give.

Stuck in yourself? Get into someone else.


JEN VERSCHEURE - Jen was the first speaker of the night and we spoke with her about the honour and responsibility she felt to start the night off right and about her struggles with depression and the shame surrounding it.


JOSEPH EDWARD BRIANTE - Joseph was the final speaker before the intermission and this was well timed as his story is incredibly powerful and absolutely needs time for pause and reflection. We spoke with him about getting out of your head and into your heart and the importance of dropping the Schtick. We also talked about the difference between Big Joseph and Little Joseph.


LISA BOSMAN–Performance Coach, Musician - Lisa coached all of the speakers on how to get out of their head and communicate from their heart/soul (no notes allowed). The Connection Project is all about courageous people sharing their authentic stories through love. Lisa is also a talented musician and we spoke with her about her process for writing the moving song that concludes The Connection Project and her process for making her art.

What a gold minion? The child of gold bouillon. Obviously.


EMILY OLSEN–Founder, Director, Host, Speaker - Emily is the heart, mind and soul behind The Connection Project. Without her courageous leadership, none of this would have been possible. If you want to know Emily's full story, you have to listen to her episode! Click here. We spoke with Emily about how she felt about this year's Connection Project, how to use fear as fuel and making the Leap!