Previous Episode: The Nature of Fear
Next Episode: The Meaning of Money

Upon further reflection, it's not suprising that Andrew was Student Body President. I mean, is anyone actually surprised?

Upon further further reflection, John's Boston Pizza scare had nothing to with anything but perhaps he needed to get it off his chest?

Just in case you struggle with this word too, Dictionary.Com is your friend.

Bonjour French listeners! Sonia says hello..

Speaking of saying hello, Maeve Maguire, our very first guest interview way back in Episode 2, is in the studio today. Enjoy her frequent laughs and muffled words of wisdom.

Sonia learned at a young age the importance of active citizenship and protecting democracy. Decades later when she would enter the political arena, these formative experiences would serve as guides.

Andrew's Mark Twain quote, "history doesn't repeat itself but it often rhymes," likely wasn't Mark Twain -yet, it remains a great quote and we laud Andrew's courage in trying to sound smart. He redeemed himself with the next "light" question.

Anyone can tear down. It takes a gifted leader to rebuild.

John's Einstein quote was actually Einstein but John butchered the quote. The quote is actually, "I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious."

For more information on the Overton Window, here's a great article written by the Failing New York Times. Just kidding, we love the NYT.

Popcorn Thinking: Kernels of Truth. A forthcoming title by John Close.

Sonia's angry voice is terrifying. We felt unsafe.

Here is more information on Sonia's leadership and role in Shawnigan's contaminated soil dump.

Here is more information on Sonia's historic election win!

The system that has provided the Earth with a stable climate is being disrupted at a rate faster than ever in recorded history. If you trust the Science, this is not up for debate.

For more information on Charles Eisenstein, go here!

Perhaps if we spent more in nature, we would be more inspired to protect it?

Looking for ego free lawn care?

Sonia is on social Media. You can like and follow her on Twitter and Facebook.

For more information on Sonia, her politics and her current work, go here and here.

The Sleep Test: When Sonia is sleeping well, she knows she is existing in a place of integrity.

This is your future! As always, get out and vote!

Before voting, take the time to review the party's platform. Do the work then vote based on your values. 

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