Previous Episode: An Antidote to Obstacles
Next Episode: Dancing With Ourselves

How do we talk about stuff we don't talk about? We talk about it. Just don't avoid it.

Want to feel emboldened like John. Get over yourself and connect with someone else.

"It's always been in my nature to care for people so once I found out what a funeral director does, I dove in." Toni

Six Feet Under is an excellent/ spectacularly depressing HBO TV show that follows a family of funeral directors.

Toni started Trans Death Care after his first week of school for funeral directing. He saw a need and filled it. 

Funeral Boss Inc!

You can connect and follow Toni on his very active Instagram Page.

"It's not a box, it's more of a spectrum." Toni.

Toni's family minimized his transition saying things like.."you'll always be our little girl." They also insinuated that he was doing it for attention. 

Toni's courage is connected to his values. The key is caring more about the needs of others then our own fear.