Previous Episode: Modern Mind Control
Next Episode: An Antidote to Obstacles

Jim is our first, third time guest!! Actually we were his guests. But still, 3x with Jim! Boom! Here's Jim' fantastic episode if you missed it. 

Jim's Facebook page is a wealth of wit, wisdom and yes, professional lip syncing. 

Jim is a fantastic business coach with Leapzone Strategies and all around great guy. 

The video of this conversation can be found on our brand new Obstacle Course Community. Not a member? It's as easy as clicking on the big blue visit Visit Group button on our Facebook page

John's rap skills are on point. 

There's no place for the twin extremes of panic or denial anywhere, but especially in leadership. JC

If we hope to be effective leaders, we must start with leading ourselves. AL

If you're feeling the panic, cold water is a very effective and instant treatment!! :) 

A mind that is consumed by crisis will undoubtedly be in crisis. AL

Suzanne Venuta is a incredible example of courage in action. Her episode is a must listen! 


Netflix might get you through evening but it can't get you through the night. JC

I'm part of the high vibe tribe!! It's a trip!! :) 

Everyone needs an Andrew who can offer perspective when we lose our mind. 

Resilience isn't about avoiding the dark moments but knowing you have the ability to bounce back. 

COVID-19 has been a resilience reality check for many. How's your resilience training going?

Tragedy reveals character. If you don't like what you're seeing, you have work to do. We all do. JC

"That someday is now!" - JG

If you missed Adam Kreek's excellent episode, give it a listen! We have the ability to respond.

Leaders, if you the ability to do something well, you better be doing it. When we don't do what we do well, our world suffers. JC

Lush Eco Lawns and Gardens - Total Property Maintenance and Care! 

Hot Business Tip: If you can't build financial capital, focus on building relationship capital! 

Courage isn't optional. It's necessary. Feel the fear and do it anyway.

It's crucial to practice resilience in everyday life so we're strong enough to handle the next pandemic or trauma.

Don't let your brain take over!

Stillness is the Key is fantastic! 

"Win the morning, win the day!" Jim Rohn

John's Go-To Morning Reading is Pema Chodron. THAT book is called Taking the Leap. 

If you're looking for permanence, you're on the wrong planet! JC

"You're an angel with balls, Jim!" 

There is a Courage Spectrum. It's not just the big epic act. Courage is a daily drip by drip habit that ultimately results in a life of courage!