Practice Bulletin #169 - Published October 2016 (Reaffirmed 2016) w/ co-host Sara Rosser, CPM (@sararosser)

1.  Multifetal gestations have overall increased risk of morbidity for both mom and baby.

2. Chorionicity is an important piece of information for managing these pregnancies. Monochorionic pregnancies carry higher risks than dichorionic pregnancies.

3. Outside of dx of cervical insufficiency: available data doesn't support cervical cerclages, bed rest, tocolytics, or pessaries decrease morbidity or mortality associated with preterm birth in setting of multifetal gestation.

4. NIH recommends administration of corticosteroids for any pregnancy, irrespective of GA, at risk of birthing from 24-34 wga within 7 days

5. Unless monoamniotic, twin pregnancy is not a preclusion to vaginal birth

Show Notes

**Visit our friends at The Labor of Love Co. to send a pregnant person in your life a curated maternity or postpartum care package!**

Wine pairing: 2017 Red Blend from King Estate Winery

Theme music by Evan Handyside

Logo design by JD Dotson ([email protected])