Practice Bulletin #156 - Published December 2015 (Reaffirmed 2018) w/ co-host Sara Rosser, CPM (@sararosser)

1. Women with obesity are at increased risk for fetal congenital anomalies, c-section, preeclampsia, fetal macrosomia, childhood behavioral/developmental issues, and other bad outcomes.

2. Pre-conception weight loss to normalize BMI improves maternal and neonatal outcomes.

3. Weight loss while pregnant is not recommended.

4. There are a variety of special considerations intrapartum and postpartum for women with obesity.

5. If your patient undergoes c-section, a thick subcutaneous fat layer should be well-irrigated and approximated with sutures in multiple layers if necessary.

Show Notes

**Visit our friends at The Labor of Love Co. to send a pregnant person in your life a curated maternity or postpartum care package!**

Wine pairing: 2017 Bourbon Barrel-Aged Cabernet Sauvignon from Ménage à Trois

Theme music by Evan Handyside

Logo design by JD Dotson ([email protected])