Practice Bulletin #146 - Published August 2014 (Reaffirmed 2019)

1. When pregnancy goes beyond 41 wga, there are increased risks for mom and baby, but absolute risk is overall still very low.  these risks are still low in absolute. 

2. Pregnancy dating by LMP combined with early ultrasound is far more reliable than LMP alone.

3. "Membrane sweeping" decreases the chance of a pregnancy going beyond 41 wga, but consent your patient first!

4. If fluid checks out, particularly if BPP is otherwise reassuring, it's reasonable to continue pregnancy 

5. IOL at or beyond 41 wga does not improve fetal or neonatal outcomes apart from a possibly lower risk of meconium aspiration syndrome. NNT = 410 to prevent one perinatal death.

Show Notes

**Visit our friends at The Labor of Love Co. to send a pregnant person in your life a curated maternity or postpartum care package!**

Wine pairing: Dark Side Red Blend from 7 Moons Wine

Theme music by Evan Handyside

Logo design by JD Dotson ([email protected])