Practice Bulletin #128 - Published July 2012 (Reaffirmed 2016)

1. "Normal menstruation" is classified by ACOG as: 5 days of bleeding with cycle length of 21-35 days

2. PALM-COIEN is a classification system for abnormal uterine bleeding.

3. Get good at SIS and hysteroscopy! A meta-analysis found intrauterine cavitary anomalies in roughly 50% of women with AUB

4. Fibroids tend to present as heavy periods. Polyps tend to present as intermenstrual bleeding. Adenomyosis presents with painful and heavy periods.

5. Accuracy of blind endometrial biopsy is great if (a) an adequate sample is collected and (b) the endometrial process is global. A blind EMB can miss cancer if less than 50% of the endometrium is involved.

Show Notes

Wine pairing: 2018 Cabernet Sauvignon from Los Vascos

Theme music by Evan Handyside

Logo design by JD Dotson ([email protected])