Picture this... You're on social media and have scrolled through multiple conflicting posts. One person is saying you have to be gluten free, another is saying to cut carbs out completely, and someone else is saying it's okay to eat gluten containing foods and other carbohydrates. 

It's like whiplash of information and how do you know know what is right and what isn't?

On today's episode of the Nutrition's My Life Podcast, I'm helping you break through those nutrition myths for optimal thyroid health. I even bring my new book, The Healthy Thyroid Guide, into today's episode to share the actual science behind these nutrition myths. 

Nutrition myths debunked:
- Goitrogenic Foods
- Gluten Free
- Dairy
- Soy
- Vegetarian / Vegan


For more thyroid guidance, The Healthy Thyroid Guide is now available on Amazon.