On this edition of Nuketown Radio Active I return from a far-too-long hiatus to talk about the year that was and the year that will be. Topping that list is a look at the redesigned, Drupal-7 powered Nuketown and a[...]

On this edition of Nuketown Radio Active I return from a far-too-long hiatus to talk about the year that was and the year that will be. Topping that list is a look at the redesigned, Drupal-7 powered Nuketown and a return to geeky writing.

With site news out of the way I take a look at the RPG and Xbox 360 games I’ve been playing and put out the call for PS3 game suggestions. Finally, I round out the podcast with some thoughts on the upcoming Star Wars Trilogy.

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Show Notes
Nuketown News

I’m back! It’s been over a year … but the podcast is back! We’ll be focusing on shorter shows for the immediate future — in the 10-20 minute range.
Eventful year. Got promoted to director at work, which ate up a lot of free time, and launched a mobile optimized web presence at work … which ate up even more! Kids are doing well, wife is doing well, job is doing well. The only thing that’s not doing well? My free time…
Nuketown is redesigned! What free time I had went to redesigning Nuketown and upgrading it from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7. It’s now done … or done enough to launch. Look for further improvements in coming weeks as I take care of the lingering issues.
Back to Basics: The last year has been terribly stressful, and I miss Nuketown. Now that the site is upgraded, I plan on getting back to writing, podcasting, and the other geeky things I haven’t been doing enough of.


Accidental Survivors

My Gaming life

RPGs: Pathfinder: Second Darkness: After two years of Star Wars we returned to our d20 roots with a fantasy campaign set in Paizo’s Golarion setting, follow their Second Darkness adventure path
Xbox 360: Borderlands 2: All guns, all the time. My Xbox has rarely been so happy.
PlayStation 3: I got it for my birthday and Christmas last year but so far I’ve only played MLB: The Show and watched a lot of Blu-rays. It’s time to change that: what games should I get?

Geek News

New Star Wars movies: Episodes 7, 8, and 9 are on their way, with the first arriving in 2015. George Lucas has sold Lucasfilm to Disney, and it’s the best thing that could have happened; Lucas still has influence, but someone else is writing and directing.

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