After slumbering for four years, Nuketown Radio Active returns to find a world transformed. In this show I’ll get up to speed on what’s changed around the ol’thermonuclear burg, and what you can expect to see in the future. I[...]

After slumbering for four years, Nuketown Radio Active returns to find a world transformed.

In this show I’ll get up to speed on what’s changed around the ol’thermonuclear burg, and what you can expect to see in the future. I talk about the role-playing games and video games I’m currently playing, and introduce the audience to my family’s newest project: raising a Seeing Eye puppy named Hank.

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Show Notes
Nuketown News


I’m a married 45-year-old geek dad with two kids (StarGirl, 13, and NeutronLad, 10).
I’m the director of web development at a small liberal arts college, which means I do far more project management than programming.
I’m the Cubmaster for my son’s Cub Scout pack and I coach his baseball team in the spring.
Still writing for Knights of the Dinner Table!
My family and I are raising a Seeing Eye puppy named Hank. But more on that later.

The redesigned Nuketown

Somethings are the same but different. On Radio Active #86, I’d just redesigned Nuketown and gone from Drupal 6 to 7. This time, I’ve redesigned Nuketown and gone from Drupal 7 to WordPress … a far greater leap.
WordPress is our de facto content management system at work. It also works better for what I need:

Quick hit editing
Streamlined podcasting
Nicer looking themes

Entire site has been overhauled and every post has been touched — sometimes for light editing, other times for updated or new photos.
Lots changed, lots has broken but there are also considerable improvements (e.g. the site runs under https; we have a standing site map now, I’m not getting spammed by infinite monkeys trying to create accounts)
Some new features

Picture a Day
Project work
The Testing Range podcast


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My Gaming Life

RPGs: Four years ago we were playing Pathfinder. Now we have two “playtest” D&D 5th Edition games going … and we’re loving it. Also run Savage Worlds from time to time.
Consoles: The Xbox 360 has been supplanted by an Xbox One (though the old 360 dinosaur is still around). The Playstation 3 up and died one day and was replaced by a PS4.

Xbox One: Playing Fallout 4 in Survival mode and Gears of War 3.
PS4: Just finished Uncharted 4, looking forward to Mass Effect: Andromeda.

Conventions: I’m going to MEPACon Spring 2017 in Scranton, Pa. It’s our regions biannual convention, and always a good time.


Yep. We’ve got space for TWO promos. Send yours to [email protected].

Meet Hank

My family and I are raising Hank, a male golden retriever/Labrador retriever mix, for the Seeing Eye.
The Seeing Eye, based out of Morristown, N.J., raises and trains guide dogs for the blind and visually impaired.
I got into it because my parents raised 3 when I was a kid. Took two years to convince our kids this would be fun (they didn’t want to give up the puppy).
We have the puppies for a year, training them in basic obedience and socialization.
Hank is our second puppy; we raised Olaf, a male German Shepherd, the first time around.
It’s a tremendous amount of work, but it’s also a lot of fun. The dogs go to a lot of interesting places (airports, baseball games, bowling alleys, etc.) and usually spend several days a week with me at work.
Learn more at

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Audio and text comments always welcome! Podcast promos especially needed!
Email: [email protected]

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