Spring is looming larger, but just incase it gets waylaid by a late-winter storm, I decided to have a spring-themed surprise party for my wife. In geekier news, I started up a "Gamer Working Group" at my dayjob and re-launched my gaming group's GriffCrier.com web site. There are no netheads in this show, but don't worry -- you'll still be able to feed that net addiction with a round up of the podcasts I'm listening to.

Spring is looming larger, but just incase it gets waylaid by a late-winter storm, I decided to have a spring-themed surprise party for my wife.

In geekier news, I started up a “Gamer Working Group” at my day job and re-launched my gaming group’s GriffCrier.com web site.

There are no netheads in this show, but don’t worry — you’ll still be able to feed that net addiction with a round up of the podcasts I’m listening to.

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Show Notes

Nuketown News

Spring Surprise

Surprised my wife with a Spring Garden Party, which will hopefully help her fend off the inevitable February blues.

Gamer Working Group

I started a new campaign at work, powered by Savage Worlds and taking place in The Day After Ragnarok setting.
We play once or twice a week over lunch. Fast and furious works well for the campaign, allowing us to get in a combat and some role-playing each session.

The GriffCrier Relaunched

My gaming group’s web site has been relaunched as a portal for our member blogs (but you’ll find plenty of campaign news and links to our ongoing campaign sites).
Useful experiment in running WordPress 3.x MultiSite, though I’m still finding more stuff broken at work than at home.


MLB At Bat 11

Speaking of baseball … spring training is under way, and the MLB At Bat 11 app is available! Just the dose of spring that my geeky brain needed.

Promo: Accidental Survivors


Podcast Roundup

Accidental Survivors Podcast

A modern era RPG who’s publication schedule has only been slightly more frequent than Radio Actives, but definitely worth a listen.
Recent episodes:

Episode 57: Villains You Love and Hate, CottageCon trilog

Order 66 Podcast

Star Wars: Saga Edition is dead, but this fan-produced podcast is still going strong. Great for anyone interested in Star Wars d20 role-playing.
Recent episodes

Series about different variant force traditions as well as the different degrees of robots. Great podcast.


The Secret Lair Podcast

The most recent episode looks at Kindles, iPads and Android tablets.

D&D Podcast

Semi-regular discussions of D&D 4th Edition, including rules Q&A, interviews with authors, and actual play recordings of the Penny Arcade, PVP Online guys with Wil Wheaton..
Going out of their way to hide it.
Video of Robot Chicken staff playing D&D 4E:


Cato Daily Podcast

Political commentary from a libertarian perspective.
Recent episodes

PATRIOT Act, Reagan at 100, Constitutional challenges to ObamaCare, Department of Homeland Security on the chopping block, financial inquiry panel’s lack of conclusion.

Geek Acres

Commentary and fortitous finds from a 40-something geek dad.
Recent episodes

LEGO Agents, upcoming summer movies and other misc. thoughts from a geek dad

Fear the Boot

Rambling — but good — conversations about role-playing games. How to play them, how to play them better.
Recent episodes

One shot games, playing multiple PCs, going from being a GM to a player

Flagons and Dragons

Beer and gaming: two great things that go great together.
Recent episodes

Savage Worlds, Warhammer Fantasy, kids and gaming, introducing new players, character deat

HP Lovecraft Literary Podcast

A literary review podcast focusing on HP Lovecraft’s fiction
Recent episodes

The Curse of Yig, the Dunwich Horror, the Colour out of Space

Podcast RIP

Geek Survival Guide
Roll 2d6
Wicked Good Podcast
Dice Make Bonk

Promo: Random Signal



Email: [email protected]
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/nukehavoc
Skype: nuketown

Promos wanted!

One of the downsides to being off the net for nearly a year is having stale and outdated promos. Please send more!

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