Good news everyone! Nuketown Radio Active isn't dead ... and neither is Futurama.

On this episode of Radio Active I catch up on a year's worth of happenings, talk about my new Picture a Day project, and take a look at some of the computer games that I've been playing during the hiatus.

In Netheads I uncover the Race for the Galaxy AI card game and Mutant Future, a science fiction RPG inspired by Gamma World.

Good news everyone! Nuketown Radio Active isn’t dead … and neither is Futurama.

On this episode of Radio Active I catch up on a year’s worth of happenings, talk about my new Picture a Day project, and take a look at some of the computer games that I’ve been playing during the hiatus.

In Netheads I uncover the Race for the Galaxy AI card game and Mutant Future, a science fiction RPG inspired by Gamma World.

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Show Notes

Nuketown News

Farewell Mad Dog, Hello Indiana

My labrador retriever Madison died earlier this summer. Sad day for everyone in the Newquist household, whch left us dogless for the first time in 13 years.
Filling that void is our new puppy, a yellow lab named Indiana.

Geek on an Island, 2010

I went back to Butler Island on Lake Champlain for not one, but two vacations. Great trips that helped me make a dent in my summer reading list

Futurama is back!

After going off the air in 2002 and releasing a series of movies to straight to DVD, it came back on on Comedy Central with Season 6 in 2010. We got 13 episodes last year (including a new Christmas episode!), and will get another 13 in 2011. Beyond that, no one knows.
And yes, it’s funny!

iPhone 4

Finally got a smart phone!

Picture a Day

The goal is to take a picture a day (or almost every day) for a year.
Fun project, but it’s harder than you might think to keep the pictures coming.
The key? Never pass up a shot.

Promo: RPG Podcasts

What I’m Playing:

Mass Effect 2 for Xbox 360

Epic space opera follow-up to Bioware’s original Mass Effect.
Downplays the RPG elements with weapons loadouts like Modern Warfare or some other shooter, no inventory. But it’s still a lot of fun and the closest you’ll come to a
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Infinite Space

Space opera for the Nintendo DS in which you buy starships and ultimately command fleet of up to five vessels.
Japanese RPG (so the protagonist is a sixteen year old boy out to save the universe).
Combat is rock/scissors/paper simple BUT there’s a lot of customization in terms of crew and ship modules. Unfortunately I got bogged down in an impossible battle and gave up.
Buy it from

DragonQuest IX

A game I’m actually still playing. Very deep, very strong RPG with lots of quests and customization.
Can link up with other DSes playing the game to trade maps, items, etc.
Too … damn … cool. It’s my go-to DS game.

Dragon Age

I’ve been playing it on and off for a year. So-so graphics, great, morally complex story. There aren’t any easy decisions in this game, and the consequenses stick with you.

Promo: Yog Radio



Race for the Galaxy computer game

Fan generated, for Mac and PC, based on the first two expansions.
Fun game, but very, very difficulty. Feels even more like solitare without other humans at the table.

Mutant Future

Old-school take on Gamma World by the guys who did Labryinth Lord. If you like your post-apocolyptic fiction with hyper-intelligent carrots and quests for mystical artifacts of a bygone age (like say, a ballpoint pen) this is your game.

Promo: Accidental Survivors


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