It’s bewildering how much uncertainty has been injected into our lives these past few weeks. And if you’re the leader of a company, whether that’s a large-scale company, a small business, a start-up, or if you’re a manager or a coach to a team, there’s a big probability that you are called to find a way to keep your team united.

And that’s a big challenge when a huge part of your productivity and results rely on meeting each other and having a physical dynamic.

There’s so much inquiry on RESILIENCE. Because this uncertainty is such a new context for our lives, some members of our community have already asked, what do you even say to keep your team together? How do you communicate? How do you keep attention? How do you keep morale up? How do you prevent your culture from unraveling when nobody knows what’s coming next?

On this episode, we welcome recruiting coach, Ian Koh. Ian has spent decades mastering operations management and training, recognizing skill and talent, while developing a culture of leadership within every team he works with. Today, we talk about how to stay mentally fit during a crisis, how to lead a team through uncertain times, and how the pandemic has impacted the recruiting industry.