It’s been awhile since we’ve had an episode dedicated to orthorexia, an eating disorder where one is fixated on being healthy. In today’s episode I brought on one of the incredible dietitians at NMN, Kelsey Pukala, to help you understand this eating disorder and why it’s on the rise and in disguise. 


If you’re interested in working with Kelsey or one of the team members here at Nourishing Minds Nutrition, you can click here to learn more about our 3 and 6 month packages.


In this episode we discuss:

What is orthorexia and what are the signs and symptoms. Spectrum of intuitive eating to eating disorders, where disordered eating and orthorexia falls on the spectrum. Why orthorexia is such a problem these days, Kelsey and Victoria talk through the reasons this disorder is on the rise. How health care professionals are part of solving the problem and ways you can shift your language about food when talking to patients. Kelsey’s recommendation if you may have orthorexia for next steps. How Kelsey is currently practicing wellness without obsession. 


Today’s episode is brought to you by our signature program, Food and Body Peace Playbook (FBPP). FBPP is an 8 week online course & group coaching program that will help you build lasting food freedom, better body image & sustainable health habits that stick.


We will be offering a Black Friday discount and special bonus offer for our January enrollment. That means you can start off 2022 making the decision to say NO to diets that don’t work and YES to intuitive eating and a lifetime of treating your body well.


Resources for you:

Learn more about our services at Nourishing Minds Nutrition. Read testimonials from our amazing clients here.  Join our FREE support group for like-minded women, the Nourishing Women Community for more community & support. Take a look at our online shop, the Wellness Without Obsession Shop.


Let’s hang out! Connect with Victoria and the staff at NMN:

Victoria’s Instagram Victoria’s Website Nourishing Minds Nutrition Instagram Nourishing Minds Nutrition website

For every guest that comes on the show, we donate money to Loveland Foundation. The Loveland Foundation, is a foundation that provides therapy and  healing to Black women and girls. We are honored to donate monthly to the Loveland Foundation, and you can learn more and donate yourself here.