Episode 2 is all about daily routines — morning, evening, work related — and how they help to set in motion the kind of day we want. Betsy has always been curious about how people structure their days and, in particular, their mornings. She is more of a structured morning person, while Emily is more of a fly-by-the-seat-of-her-pants-wanting-to-sleep-in-as-long-as-possible kind of morning person. In the end, Betsy and Emily are often in search of the same ultimate goals and aspirations even though they have taken drastically different paths to get there. The Episode:   Topics Discussed: Our current morning routines versus our ideal one High energy times of day Control versus flow in our mornings The importance of benchmarks or goals for the day Yearly intentions Self-care and sleep Taking action versus being more planful Bullet journaling as a way to track progress Curiosity as the antidote to boredom How life has a way of shifting perspectives on goal setting and routines Nighttime routines and the importance of sleep Managing stress and anxiety Doubling down on love in the coming year Resource Links: The Miracle Morning* by Hal Elrod Primer on the Miracle Morning concept. Designing Your Life: How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life* by Bill Burnett & Dave Evans How to Bullet Journal (Intro Video and tips for getting started) More about minimalist Bullet Journals from Tiny Ray of Sunshine and Boho Berry Habit Trackers — the How from Pretty Prints & Paper and a free template from Clementine Creative Bullet Journal Key for to-do lists or tasks Betsy’s Favorite Hypnosis Channels: Jody Whiteley and Michael Sealey ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) Meditation Loving Kindness Meditation Quotables: [bctt tweet="The goal of my mornings is to feel inspired, to get focused, and then to do my work." username="emilylevenson"] [bctt tweet="In my perfect world I would get everything I need to do for the day done by lunchtime." username="cured_life"] [bctt tweet="It’s much easier to go with the flow than try to stick with what you think is always going to work." username="cured_life"] [bctt tweet="If I can get anchored in how I want to feel today, I can make choices based on that." username="emilylevenson"] [bctt tweet="Next year I want to focus on owning it. The good, the bad, the ugly. It’s all mine." username="emilylevenson"] [bctt tweet="The only guaranteed day is today." username="cured_life"] [bctt tweet="You have to be mindful of what is entering your consciousness every day. " username="cured_life"] Hit us up: Twitter: @nandfpodcast and #nandfpodcast Facebook: nourishandflourishpodcast Email: [email protected]

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