Shannon took the lead on this week's podcast where we talked about our experiences and some information from experts in the field,

Everyone is an expert in their own physical and mental health and no one knows our own mental health as we do.  Just as no two autistics are exactly alike, no two people have the exact same physical and mental health issues.

Sadly, a lot of medical professionals are uninformed or misinformed when it comes to dealing with those who have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).  That's something that needs to change and change quickly.

Last year J.R. went to a local hospital and offered to do five sessions for their staff so that they could come in on their time off and not miss work.  He told them he wouldn't charge for his time but was emphatically told, "No, we don't need it."

J.R. has been in their E.R. twice and had two outpatient surgeries at the same hospital and trust us, they do need it.

We talk about a whole lot more, but to find out you'll have to listen!

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