Diagnosed as a child, Haley Moss knew she was destined for great things.  A lawyer, artist, author, speaker and autism advocate, she's realized her dreams.

Recently she sat down with Shannon and J.R. to talk about her life, what she has in the works and autism in general.

She does a lot of work consulting for lawyers these days and for non-profits with the hope of bringing the topic of autism into the mainstream.

We also talk about the online community of autistic and disabled people and how we can connect and make friends oftentimes easier than we can in the real world.

" I can't help but laugh because I don't feel like I have a lot of friends. I realized online. I don't know if you guys have realized this, too, but we have a lot more of a supportive community of other autistic and disabled people, which makes me feel really connected because, in my regular life, I don't feel as connected, so to speak."

Haley Moss.

Now it's time to listen to the podcast.