In this episode of Not Just A Transaction, hosts Nick and Zachary explain the incredible importance of keeping lines of communication open. They share how they can help buyers overcome life’s unexpected hurdles and struggles to make payments, but only if the sellers let them know what’s happening. Life is not static, and sometimes it can change quickly. Nick shares how he had his own brush with the unexpected when he experienced a terrible snowboarding accident.

Glossary of Special Terms Used in this Episode:

No special terms were used in this episode.

What you’ll learn about in this episode:

Why communication between you and the Pre Property Solutions team is critical for your own success Why letting Pre Property Solutions know when you’re having problems making your payment is the key to finding solutions to overcome them How Nick learned that sometimes the unexpected happens, after he was in a snowboarding accident in 2003 that left him in a coma for three weeks Why not communicating what is going on that may be keeping you from being able to make a payment is the worst decision you can make How Pre Property Solutions also works to keep sellers informed of what’s going on with a property if the sellers want that level of communication


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Nick’s Bio:
In 2003, Nick Prefontaine was in a snowboarding accident that left him in a coma for over 3 weeks. The doctors told his parents that he probably wouldn’t walk, talk, or eat on his own again. Less than 3 months later, he was running out of Franciscan Children’s hospital. Now Nick speaks to groups that benefit from his message of overcoming adversity.

Nick grew up in the real estate industry and got started at an early age. Most notably, he was knocking on Pre-Foreclosure doors at 16, doing up to 50 doors a day. This experience helped shape Nick’s real estate career. When someone opens the door you better have something compelling to say.

Now, Nick specializes in working with lease purchase buyers to get them into a home and on the path to home ownership. That includes working with them throughout the entire deal which ends in them being able to get their own loan. Getting buyers to the finish line is something Nick and the entire Pre Property Solutions team take pride in. That is something that separates them from their competition. Regardless of a buyer’s credit situation, he looks at their complete financial picture and comes up with a plan to get them into a home.

Zachary’s Bio:
Zachary is an Amazon Best-Selling Author of The New Rules of Real Estate Investing and revised edition of Real Estate On Your Terms. He has been an authority in real estate for 7 years now and has personally completed hundreds of real estate transactions and has mentored investors to complete thousands of transactions.

At the age of 25, Zachary decided to leave the world of bartending and personally training and jump into the family business. Now he is an equal partner and runs the acquisitions department, focusing on helping sellers accomplish their goal of selling their property.

If Zachary is not working, you will find enjoying the outdoors or spending time with his wife Kayla and two kids Remi and Bellamy. His passion for family and business is what keeps him motivated and excited to take on each day.