The cops shut down food banks, people are snitching on kids, and everyone is at breaking point. Also Australia abandons Afghan people.


Bad times…
Police are helping by shutting down food banks.
In South Australia, the DHS chief executive is trying to shut down a communist soup kitchen.

…vulnerable people
Massive lockdown protests in Melbourne and Sydney over the weekend.
Tom Tanki’s coverage of the lockdown protests is excellent.
White supremacists are using the protests as a recruiting ground.

Give parents a break
Playgrounds have been closed in Victoria.
Childcare has been shut down for all except essential workers.
During the 2020 lockdown, childcare was made free.
Stop snitching on kids.

VCAT fucked it
The eviction moratorium is over, and now landlords can kick people out of their homes in advance of October 25th.
The Real Estate Institute is out there to defends the landlords though.

Abandoning Afghanistan
Coalition troops have pulled out out Afghanistan, and the situation is bad.
Canada and the UK are taking 20,000 Afghan refugees.
Scott Morrison says that no Afghan will be permanently settled in Australia, unless they come the “right way”.
Peter Dutton says Afghan people might be Taliban now, so they won’t be welcome in Australia.
After the Vietnam war, Australia took in 55,000 Vietnamese people.
Even Tony Abbot took in 12,000 Syrian and Iraqi refugees.

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