NSW is LITERALLY at war the with virus. We discuss the IPCC report and what to do about it.

It’s WAR
It’s WAR! NSW is LITERALLY at WAR with the virus.
Berejiklian has said that the police will receive more power and resources than they “needs and want”.

Oh dear I left the gas on
The 6th IPCC report into the effects of climate change has been released.
It’s saying mostly what we knew already, just more so.
Deconstructed podcast on the IPCC report.
Even the International Energy Agency say we must build no new fossil fuel energy.
Scott Morrison has made no commitment to net zero emissions.
Angus Tayor has made changes that allow fossil fuels to be funded by the renewable energy fund.
And increased funding by using tricky methods that only apply to gas or coal.
Taylor has also interfered in energy company board structures to keep Australian energy away from clean sources.
Barnaby Joyce doesn’t know who’s going to come up with a plan for an energy transition.

Strong opposition
QLD Labor Environment Minister: “match the Palaszczuk Government’s investment in renewable energy, water quality and land restoration” (bad)
WA Labor approved massive new gas projects.
VIC Labor Environment Minister: “We need to act on climate change. Quickly and decisively.” (but gas drilling a okay)
While… the ALP pledged to re-open Callide Power Station (which exploded)

Hot takes
Oil execs posting their Ls.
Lawyers posting their horrible Ls.
The idea of a “carbon footprint” was created by the fossil industry to push blame away from themselves.
100 companies are responsible for 71% of emissions.

Read Heated
Listen to Drilled
Follow Ketan Joshi
Read Warmth by Daniel Sherrell.
Change your bank and super. It’s really easy.
Join your union. Push them to take action.
Environmentalist Bill McKibben: “Don’t be an individual…”
Call and write your MPs. The lower-level, the better.
Donate or volunteer at green orgs. Tomorrow MovementFriends of the Earth350Stop Adani.
Speak up, don’t pull punches.


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