JobSeeker was a massive corporate handout, Tasmanian Liberals don't want to frighten the kids, and the government gives millions of dollars to gas miners (with Labor's help).


Politics of envy
The 2020 JobSeeker program handed out millions of dollars to prop up record corporate profits.
Scott Morrison is “not into the politics of envy”.
Independent MP Rex Patrick pushed for a bill to force companies to reveal information showing if they really needed the Jobkeeper grants. Labor backed down.
Jaquie Lambie accused the Labor party of “slapping the little person”.

Don’t frighten the children!
The Tasmanian Liberals voted down declaring a climate emergency, saying it was “scaring the children”.

Flooding the sub-basin in cash
The Liberal party have granted $50 million for gas exploration in the Beetaloo Basin.
Two of the companies funded have links to tax havens and Russian oligarchs.
The third company, Empire Energy, received $21m. Empire Energy has close ties with the Liberals.
Complained the the grant process was corrupt, but still voted to allow it.
Traditional owners were cut out of the grant processes.

Meanwhile, in the private sector
BHP is slashing value from it’s coal assets.
Origin Energy is trying to get out of coal.
Angus Taylor’s “CoalKeeper” plan is going to increase electricity prices by $400 per household, per year.
For the first time, Australia generated more solar energy than coal.
Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology has been gagged from talking about climate change.

Support the fundraiser for Beyond Bricks and Bars — a trans and gender diverse decarceration project.
Solidarity with the truck drivers striking against uberisation of the industry.