We dive into a detailed run-down of the Morrison government's new Low Emissions Technology Statement, and why it actually is worse than doing nothing.

Ghost of climate past
Scott Morrison brought a piece of coal into parliament in 2017.
The piece of coal was lacquered, and given to him by a Minerals Council lobbyist.
Scott Morrison came to power after rolling Scott Morrison over the National Energy Guarantee.
The Morrison government pushed for using “roll-over credits” to avoid action on climate change.
100 countries challenged Australia on this approach, and the UN accused us of cheating.
Angus Taylor and the Morrison government have been trying to use the Clean Energy Corporation to fund gas projects, by re-classifying gas as green energy.
The “Covid Recovery Commission” is packed with gas lobbyists, and keep recommending gas projects as a path to recovery.

Ghost of climate present
The Morrison government’s new Climate technology roadmap is bad.
Australia exports a lot of coal, but it doesn’t actually make us that much money.
Hydrogen isn’t an energy source. It’s way to store and transport energy — eg. coal and gas.
The best way to produce low-carbon aluminium or steel is to use renewable energy.
Carbon capture and storage is grift. We’ve talked about the failed Gorgon Gas plant before in episode 25.
Kiss the Ground, a documentary about regenerative agriculture.
Nothing in the climate roadmap explains why these technologies were chosen.
The roadmap isn’t based on any independent studies — it’s departmental and industry group guesses.
The government has threatened to build new gas plants with public money, if the free market won’t fund it.
Malcolm Turnbull kept money in Cayman Island accounts.

Ghost of climate future
After last year’s disastrous bushfire season, Australia is still woefully underprepared for another one.
Mitch on The Drum in 2019.
Sydney’s gas network is constantly leaking methane. You can’t lie to the atmosphere.

Divest your bank and superannuation.
Support blockades of Adani.