We're joined by journalist Jim Malo to talk race, renting and how Australia's media covers both. But before that, we talk about the desecration of sacred sites, and Jobkeeper rorts.


Freedom to be desecrated
BHP and Fortescue have rejected a call from their shareholders to place a moratorium on “disturbing, destroying or desecrating” aboriginal cultural sites.
BHP believes in freedom of speech for traditional owners.

Jobkeeper rorts
Thousands of businesses have claimed JobKeeper payments, but still payed bonuses to executives and shareholder executives.
Private universities were able to claim JobKeeper payments, but public universities have been explicitly excluded.
Australian business Dick Smith was a victim of private equity stripping for parts.
Government Minister Alan Tudge was warned by a tribunal that the scheme was illegal 76 times.

Chatting with Jim Malo
Jim’s op-ed calling for journalists to do better when it comes to reporting on race.
Convicted racist Blair Cottrell appeared on ABC’s Hack.
Convicted racist Andrew Bolt still has his own TV show.
Far-right hobgoblin Steve Bannon featured on a Four Corners ABC special.
The Courier Mail labeled two Black women “Enemies of the State”.
RAHU, the Renters and Housing Union is fighting for renters rights.
How rent reductions have improved renters outlooks. (Follow Rose on twitter)

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