We discuss big poultry news, the Centerlink workers who disagree with punitive government policy, and how the LNP wants to bring back indentured servitude on farms.

Poultry roundup
Breaking: Chicken coop constructed.
The ABC took down their article, very soon after publishing.
Sam Niell’s duck (RIP) was called Charlie Pickering.

Centrelink workers and and their union have released an open letter outlining their concerns with the government’s upcoming cuts to welfare and privatisation of welfare.
The Morrison Government’s cuts to welfare have been warned against by basically everyone.

Liberal MP John Alexander and Agriculture Minister David Littleproud have raised “conscripting” people to work on fruit farms.
Working as a fruit picker is a visa condition for backpackers on working holidays.
Deputy PM Michael McCormack, reckons workers should pick fruit for a “great instagram moment”.
A year ago, Michael McCormack was cheering the climate crisis because more Pacific Island workers “would come to pick our fruit”.
The media has been running puff pieces on people “finding love” while picking.
There is a long history of abuse and sexual harassment of farm labour.
…and a long history of literal enslavement of Pacific Islanders to work on Australian farms.
A SEEK ad for farm workers: “Looking for FEMALE backpacker… open minded… psychically fit”.

Criminal activity
Immigration Minister Alan Tudge engaged in “criminal” conduct, according to a Federal Court judgment.
Alan Tudge also knew the robodebt scheme was illegal.
The LNP paid ten times the value of a piece of land to Leppington Pastoral Company.
They also hid the conflict of interest of staff involved in the deal.
In 2015, the LNP sold a coal power station valued at $730 million for $1 million.

Discretionary fines
Indigenous Australians and those born in Sudan made up 10% of all Covid fines in Victoria, despite being about 1% of the population.
Dan Andrews says that Victorian Police will “rarely use discretion”, when issuing new $5957 fines for gatherings.
Apparently no-one knows who authorised the use of private security for Victoria’s quarantine hotel security.
Victoria Police refused to act as security for quarantine hotels.

Listen to Auspol Snackpod’s most recent episode focuses on Maritime Union of Australia’s action.
Listen to Tom Ballard’s interview with Kristin O’Connell.

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