Previous Episode: 27 —Masks off

Lockdown horn has infected Australia's pundit class, Albo reckons mines are cool, and we run through the highlights of recent stupid money bullshit.


Bushfires for lease
In Portland, unidentified federal agents are kidnapping people.
Because of the response to Corona, less can be done in preparation for this year’s bushfire season.
Australia doesn’t own its own serious bushfire fighting equipement, barring for a single 373 tanker plane.

Climate news
Anthony Albonese reckons that a coal mine that has been trying to get environmental approval should just go ahead, because they’ve been trying for 13 years.
Insurance Australia Group, has said they won’t cover farmers who have fracking on their land.
Lock the Gate is an alliance of farmers who want to stop fracking on their land.
With gas prices crashing, fracking companies are leaving gas wells to leak instead of fixing them.

Stupid Money Bullshit
Clive Palmer was charged with fraud by ASIC.
The Auditor-General’s report on the water buybacks found that “did not use a value for money approach for procurement”.
Australian War Memorial director Brendan Nelson wants to spend half a billion on self-care.

War crimes and coverups
Australian soliders did them.
This is the kind of reporting that the AFP raided the ABC offices and a News Corp’s journalist’s home last year to cover up.
The AFP is also making unapproved usage the Clearview AI facial recognition app.

Hot for Premier
People are getting way too horny for Dan Andrews.
Masks are mandatory in Melbourne and Mitchell Shire from Wednesday, along with new $200 fines.
Victoria leads the country in fines, and loves to fine poor people.
Melbourne law firm HWL Ebsworth was determined to keep working from the office, and not work from home “like lemmings”. They are now a Corana cluster.
The Australian is still trying to pin the Corona outbreak on Black Lives Matter protests.
Scott Morrison wants to live with the virus.
The TikTok influencers who pushed the CovidSAFE were paid $600 app and thought they were being employed by the government.

Check out Boiling Cold by Peter Milne, a deep dive on the energy industry and climate.
Wear a mask, but don’t snitch on your neighbours. Kill the cop in your brain.
Divest your banking and your Superannuation. Look at the big comparison on Market Forces for a guide.

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