Previous Episode: 26 — Cop Tower

We chat about Melbourne's return to city-wide lockdown and the ongoing police presence at the nine inner-city public housing blocks. Then we get personal, talking about our own paths to radical politics.

Lockdowns and masks
Coronavirus safety information wasn’t translated into non-english languages for months after the outbreak.
Victorian state government advice has changed to recommend the wearing of masks in situations where you can’t socially distance.
Hours later Federal Health Minister released an information sheet saying “no”, you don’t need to wear a mask.
The WHO released guidance a month ago recommending the use of masks.
NSW Government is going to charge people $3000 to be quarantined in hotels. Commentator Peter Van Onsenlen this this is a good idea.
The hard lockdown for 7 of the 9 public housing towers is “over”, though still with heavy police presence.

App bad
App bad.
The government has no intention to switch to the Google/Apple contact tracing API.
Business consortium LetUsPlay is trying to get Zoomers to get on the app.

Read McLean’s radicalising book, When Did You Last Wash Your Feet by Michael Rosen
Follow the people reporting from inside the locked-down towers: Tigist KebedeAyan ShirwaIdil Ali and

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