We chat about the latest round of government handouts to mates, then delve into a blistering rundown of Serco's crimes and coverups.

Money for mates
Parliament is sitting out the pandemic.
At least six of the “sports rorts” grants approved by Bridget McKenzie’s office didn’t even submit application forms until after they were granted.
Phil Gaetjens, Secretary of the Department of the Prime Minister says it is “not a part of ministerial standards to establish if McKenzie acted lawfully.
Gaetjens only talked to two people for his report into the sports rorts.
Friend of the pod Angus Taylor awarded $4m to a company with no relevant experience for a power station, and then invited them to apply for the grant.
The government has given a $10m sports coverage grant to Murdoch.

Covid corner
Premier Dan Andrews says to respect healthcare workers, but Victorian health workers are still forced to re-apply to their job every 12 months.
A Centerlink call center was shut down because of Covid cases, and 450 workers sent home without pay.

Serco: They’re bad
Serco are responsible for providing security for the quarantine hotels linked to the recent outbreaks.
In June and July of 2020, two indigenous people have died at WA private prisons run by Serco in WA.
Indigenous people have also died in Serco custody in 201920152011 and 2010.
In 2018 it was revealed that six female Serco guards were grooming and having sex with detainees.
In 2017, two Serco guards suspended for a drug smuggling operation.
Pre-2014, while running transportation for prisons, at least six people died under Serco care, two of who were listed as “natural causes”.
While running offshore detention facilities, Serco staff have broken bones of of asylum seekers, then covered it up.
Guards have also had sexual relationships with Christmas Island detainees.
In 2012 it was revealed they had a training guide for detention center guards which detailed techniques for punches and kicks targeting pressure points.
In 2011 the government fined Serco $15 million for failing it’s “duty of care” to asylum seekers. This was the maximum amount allowable under the government’s contract.

Nazi corner
Photos have been leaked of Australian soliders posing with a confederate flag.
This follow the 2018 release of images of Australian soliders flying a Nazi flag.

Listen to Auspol Snackpod
Luke McGregor’s video explanation of Moderen Monetary Theory is good.
Sign the petition to Raise the Age of criminal responsibility.
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