For many people living with mental illness, being committed to a psychiatric hospital is one of our deepest fears. Even people who aren’t mentally ill fear psychiatric hospitals – something that is on public display during Halloween.

Recently, Michelle had to take a friend to the hospital because of her friend’s thoughts of suicide. This was the first time Michelle had experienced the mental health system from any viewpoint other than that of a patient. In this episode, she describes everything she experienced and how it made her feel.

Our hosts, Gabe & Michelle, have discussed their experiences as patients in a previous episode titled Ep 6: Were You Ever in a Psych Ward? WE WERE! Stories from a Bipolar and a Schizophrenic. But they’ve never discussed what it was like the first time they visited a psych ward as a guest, advocate, or as someone who wasn‘t a patient.

Listen to this episode of A Bipolar, a Schizophrenic, and a Podcast to learn more.

Highlights from ‘Psych Ward’ Episode

[2:00] Michelle shares a story about taking her friend to a psychiatric hospital

[4:00] Specific things that triggered Michelle while at the psychiatric hospital 

[6:00] Gabe’s experience visiting a psych ward

[10:00] Frustrations and experiences with psychiatric hospitals

[14:00] Michelle's most triggering experience

[20:00] Discussing the problems with mental health care