Since time was invented, people have fallen into three main categories: Chronically early, on-time, or late. You don’t need mental illness to put things off until the last minute and it doesn’t take anxiety to get things done well ahead of schedule.

But, there’s also no denying that living with mental illness can – and does – impact our ability to be punctual and to accomplish goals. In this episode, Gabe and Michelle discuss the difference between putting things off because we are making bad choices and putting things off because of mental health issues. Listen now!

Highlights from ‘Procrastination’ Episode

[0:30] How much do we procrastinate?

[2:00] Medication to blame?

[7:30] Being accountable.

[11:00] Life is distracting.

[14:00] Gabe and Michelle’s strengths vs. weaknesses.

[18:30] A metaphor is used. . .