Depression is an inconsiderate illness. It doesn’t care whether you have nothing going on or a lot going on. It will strike whenever it feels like it. Depression doesn’t care if you have a home filled with people, family obligations, or even a podcast to record. If this symptom of mental illness wants out, it’s coming out.

In this episode of A Bipolar, a Schizophrenic, and a Podcast, our hosts attempt to record an episode, but Gabe breaks down and confides to Michelle that he isn’t doing well. The recorder was running and Gabe’s attempt at faking it until he makes it backfired. However, a vulnerable and honest look at depression resulted.

Listen in to find out what Gabe is like depressed and how Michelle rises to the occasion to support her co-worker and friend.

Highlights from ‘Depressed’ Episode

[0:30] Michelle helps Gabe with his depression.

[7:00] What triggered Gabe’s depression?

[9:00] Society's reaction to mental illness and/or depression.

[18:00] Is Michelle mad at Gabe for being depressed on the job?

[21:30] Gabe explains his frustrations and concerns and Michelle listens.