We all realize that movies are fiction, but that doesn't mean that we should take nothing seriously. When a movie makes a portrayal of an individual, for example, that's full of racial stereotypes, we're justified in saying that it isn't okay. It's no different for portrayals of mental illness. In this episode, Gabe and Michelle discuss just such a portrayal in a movie that Michelle found highly offensive. Listen to see if you agree.

Highlights from ‘Triggering Movie’ Episode

[1:00] Michelle has been triggered by an 8-year-old movie called “The Roommate.”

[5:00] Why this movie makes no sense.

[6:30] How Gabe and Michelle handle talking about meds.

[10:00] Why did this movie make Michelle feel so offended?

[12:00] Why this movie is bad for the mental health system.

[16:30] Movies that show mental illness in a good way.

[19:00] How people interpret movies with mentally ill characters.

[20:00] Gabe is obsessed with Michelle’s cock ring.