Its the first podcast of the new month so that means a different colour graphic at the top of the page. This month its Pomegranate!

Here’s an in-depth look at my SEO & Social Media tip for the week ending 5th June 2015.

Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter or Facebook for daily tips and advice.


Protect yourself from HashTag Bomb fail by using the definition link in Hootsuites search box.
Look at the followers tab in Twitter Analytics to see more about your followers.
Ignore the social media snobs. Its OK to schedule your posts but reply & react quickly.
Video is really important. Make that move & create some video guides, demonstrations or just a quick hello.
Your keywords or phrases should be what your visitors search for. Write content for what people want.
Check your image sizes on Twitter to make sure they look good on mobile.
If you sell stuff then encourage reviews. Its great for SEO, content and future customers.
Make your photo’s interesting. Use real people & unconventional angles then use them on your social media.
Cross link your pages so visitors can find things easier. Its also good for your bounce rate!
Run a twitter competition. Create a hashtag & promote to existing & potential customers.

Twitter Mentions