Time for more tips! Here’s an in-depth look at the weeks SEO & Social Media Tips.

Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter or Facebook to get tips and advice every day!

Here’s the tips!

Add a Twitter mention button to your website for questions & support
Only 43% companies respond to Twitter questions. Set up notifications & monitor your mentions
8am Tweets are 800% more likely to get retweets than ones at 10am or midday
Keep shopping carts & landing pages out of the search results with the NOINDEX tag.
Create great social media graphics using Canva.com
The 3 most important #SEO factors to focus on are; Title Tag, Description Tag & your main content
Be active on Your Google Business page. It may become unverified after 6 months of inactivity
The Pinterest Buy It Button is coming soon. Offer your products on another channel
Take a break from your social media then come back fresh and ready to go again
Be patient with your SEO. If you want instant results, advertise.

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