After 2 divorces, being overweight, and living a life ruled by fear and feelings of inadequacy, Mary Crafts stopped playing the victim. She lost 27% of her body fat, climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro at age 65, and is crafting a meaningful and fearless life as a single woman who is enough just being herself. Join our discussion about healing from abuse and fear, and the difference between “love” the noun and “love” the verb.

Mary Crafts is… quite simply…. a living legend. From humble beginnings and dire circumstances, she invested blood, sweat, and countless tears into building what would become the most celebrated catering company in Utah. 

That multi-million dollar empire became the launching pad for so much more. Today, Mary has handed the reins of her catering empire to her incredibly gifted children who have taken her company to the next level, while Mary turns her attention to helping others build their dreams. 

Whether those dreams are centered around business, family, or personal growth, Mary is ready to engage her expertise, assets, and energy into helping others build and grow! Has a new book coming out: “Unbounded.”,

Mary went into her first marriage full of fear but good at hiding her fears and putting walls up. Got married at 27 and felt like damaged goods because of a really hard break up from a previous relationship who told her she wasn’t pretty enough; felt rejected and not enough and felt like she had to settle. Her 1st husband had some anger issues, paranoia, bipolar, etc. Later came out as gay. Was married to him for 28 years. She was physically abused on her honeymoon and wanted to leave the marriage, but then found out she was pregnant, and was told by her religious leader that she couldn’t just leave the marriage after 1 month, especially because she was pregnant. She felt the weight of the world on her shoulders to make it work and single-handedly save the marriage and the family; felt like it was her calling or mission in this life. Was afraid of being alone and having no help with the children. After divorce, married her 2nd husband a year later as a sort of rebound. Got divorced after 5 years. Climbed Mount Kilimanjaro at age 65.