It seems that everyone has advice to give you once they find out you are getting divorced. Though they likely have good intentions, your specific case will be unlike any other divorce, which also means that Google and Internet resources are only minimally helpful. In this quick tip, I explain why, and where TO get a realistic idea of what to expect in your divorce.

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Just like how when you are pregnant with a baby and everyone around you all of a sudden is a parenting expert and feels the need to take it upon themselves to give you their personal experiences and advice, when people find out you’re getting divorced, it’s much the same way. Many people have been divorced or know someone closely who has been divorced, and they often want to try to help you by sharing those divorce stories.

But the truth is that divorces are like snowflakes. There isn’t one divorce that looks exactly like another divorce. If you listen literally to people’s divorce experiences, stories, and advice, and try to apply it to your situation, you will likely be setting unrealistic expectations for yourself in your own divorce.

Your case will be very specific to you. You want to protect yourself and your family. Case law is subjective. Your judge compared to another judge can have a completely different understanding of the law or issue at hand, and you can get very different results.

Not to even mention that you, your spouse, and the relationship and personalities you have will change the outcome and experience and facts of your case as compared to anyone else’s divorce. 

Also, be careful in trusting google. Family law statues are specific to state, and even county sometimes. So the internet may be giving you info that isn’t even true in your state, or may be very outdated, or just completely inaccurate, since it’s not legally fact-checked.

To get the best information, you’re going to want to look for an attorney that is specifically a family law attorney and practices in your area. They will be able to give you up-to-date, relevant advice that is specific to your case. This is the best way to protect yourself, your future, and your family and have an understanding of the trajectory of your divorce case