The state of the vegan movement is ... As we recorded today's episode, how I completed that sentence began to vary. In my opinion, there's little doubt that veganism is becoming more mainstream and going plant-based gets easier by the day. But does that mean the movement is strong? In today's episode, Matt and I depart from our typical health and nutrition banter to discuss where veganism is right now as a movement. We're not approaching this topic from a place of authority -- neither of us can claim to be anywhere near authorities on the subject -- but instead as two dudes in the middle of it. We rave about all the new vegan options and foods, but also attempt to challenge each other on how we can do better as a community. Oh, and I make a terrible analogy using kale, so there's that too. Here's what we talk about in this episode: The state of the vegan movement is ... Is veganism more popular, or are diets in general more widely accepted? How to talk to someone on the Paleo diet The pros and cons of meat-like meat alternatives What we can do better as a movement