Patricia Karpas is Meditation Studio’s Co-Founder and Head of Content. She is also the host of Untangle, Meditation Studio’s original podcast with over 4 mm listens to date that shares stories from experts and thought leaders about how mindfulness practices change us. She is A New York native and former media executive at CNBC, NBC, and AO, she is passionate about health and wellness and deeply committed to having a positive impact on the world. She co-founded a meditation studio app with the simple goal of making meditation accessible to everyone. This little app has gone on to do big things. Named one of Apple’s Top 10 Apps of the Year, Meditation Studio has helped millions of people start a meditation practice. In 2018,  Meditation Studio was sold to the makers of Muse, the Brain Sensing Headband.

This episode is part 1 of my conversation with Patricia. In this part1, Patricia discusses how she learned to be self-reliant from a very early age, how she launched the meditation studio app when she feels over-meditated, and much more. If you enjoy this episode, you will love the short and sweet part 2 with Patricia on cultivating relationships in a personal and business setting.

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