Michael Ostrolenk has been exploring the relationship between post-conventional living, transformational leadership, optimizing health, and regenerative paradigms his whole life. His interest in human growth and personal development began when he was 9 years old and worked with psychotherapist Pat Lawson learning biofeedback, meditation, and guided imagery. In the late 1990’s he received his master’s degree in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology, from John F. Kennedy University and he completed post-graduate training in somatic psychology from the California Institute for Integral Studies. Mr. Ostrolenk is a Master Coach and Head Instructor with SEALFIT Unbeatable Mind Academy. He worked closely with Mark Divine (Ret- U.S Navy SEAL) in creating the Unbeatable Mind Online Accelerated Learning program in 2010. Ostrolenk is the Director of Human Resilience at Apeiron Zoh where he works with medical and psychological staff in creating online and in-person programs seeking to transcend the limits of human performance and health. 

I personally enjoyed this conversation so much and I am going to listen to this episode over and over. How do you optimize your mind, body and spirit and transcend the limits stopping to reach your full potential? How do you design, optimize your lifestyle?  You will learn all of it in this episode.

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